Extra Space Storage - Storage Unit Auction - 191 N Wilson Rd

Extra Space Storage
Columbus 191 N Wilson Rd
191 N Wilson Rd
Columbus, OH 43204
3/5/2025 5:00:00 AM
Purchase information:
  • Storage unit must be paid with cash only at the time of sale
  • Personal items (photographs, documents, etc.) must be returned to the rental office within 48 hours.
  • All goods are sold as is and must be removed at the time of purchase
  • Extra Space Storage reserves the right to refuse any bid.
  • Sale is subject to adjournment

Notice of Public Sales of Personal Property

Notice is hereby given that the undersigned will sell, to satisfy lien of the owner, at public sale by competitive bidding via www.storagetreasures.com

for the Extra Space Storage facility located at:

191 N Wilson Rd
Columbus, OH 43204

The personal goods stored therein by the following may include, but are not limited to general household, furniture, boxes, clothes, and appliances.

Units for Auction

Unit #
Tenant Name
Description of Goods Stored
James Harding
2572 Howey Rd. Columbus Oh 43211
Cabinets, lawn tools, tool boxes
Lisa Harding
P.O.Box 8432 Columbus Oh 43201
Household and garage items.
James Harding
2572 Howey Rd. Columbus Oh 43211
Household Items
Jeannie Brofford
P O Box 10444 Columbus Oh 43201
Automotive furniture antiques
Richard Diaz
169 N Wilson Rd Apt 205 Columbus Oh 43204
household goods, computer parts, DVDs, clothes & shoes
Christina Dickerson
3504 Fremont St Columbus Oh 43204
Appliances , boxes , bed frames
Sheena Thomas
3403 Camp Chase Dr Columbus Oh 43204
queen mattress, dresser, personal items
Property to be sold to satisfy owner's lien
Auction published:
2/17/2025 12:00:00 AM
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